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About Spokane Hypnosis Center

Education, Training and Experience

My name is Brenda Kjolseth and I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who received my national certification from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.  I attended Spokane Hypnotherapy Institute in 2012 to achieve this certification.  I have also received additional training in counseling skills, clinical and pre-op pain management and alternative hypnotherapy practices at Spokane Hypnotherapy Institute.  I have been in private practice as a hypnotherapist since January, 2013.


Type of Services Provided:

I provide hypnotherapy services in individual, couples and group formats.  My practice includes facilitating clients with such issues as self-esteem, relationships, codependency, stress and addictive behavior.


State of Washington Credential Number:  HP60313081



Spokane Hypnosis Center is conveniently located in the building at 920 North Argonne, Ste. 110-G in the Spokane Valley.

Contact Us

Call for an appointment today! 509-999-1169

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Spokane Hypnosis Center

Address: 920 North Argonne
                 Suite 110-G
                 Spokane Valley, WA 99206
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